PUAF 610 Quantitative Aspects of Policy Analysis (3 credits) - UMCP
Prerequisite: permission of department
Introduces statistical methods needed for evaluating and choosing among policy options. Topics include probability, decision-making under uncertainty; the organization, interpretation, and visual display of complex data; prediction and inferences about causality; hypothesis testing; and linear and multiple regression. Develops analytical skills and the ability to apply theory to complex, real-world problems.
PUAF 711 Public Management and Leadership (3 credits) - UMCP
Prerequisite: permission of department
Reviews the managerial, political, and ethical problems faced by public sector managers and leaders, including setting an organization's goals, obtaining and protecting a program mandate, designing a service delivery system, implementing a new program.
PUAF 740 Public Policy and the Environment (3 credits) - UMCP
Prerequisite: permission of department
Surveys of major federal environmental legislation; the development and implementation of laws, and alternative ways of thinking about the relationship between humans and the environment.
UAF 741 Global Environmental Problems (3 credits) - UMCP
rerequisite: permission of department
uitability of analytic tools for examining global environmental problems, human overpopulation, land abuse, ozone depletion, climate change, acid rain, loss of biological diversity, the scarcity of food, fresh water, energy and non fuel mineral resources, and health hazards of pollutants, toxic metals and radiation.
PUAF 742 Environmental Ethics (3 credits) - UMCP
Prerequisite: permission of department
Analyzes issues such as the relation between human beings and nature from the perspectives of the science, history, philosophy, and religion. Considers the bases for policies such as environmental regulation, public lands, and international conventions with respect to the environment.
PUAF 743 Ecological Economics (3 credits) - UMCP
Prerequisite: permission of department
Course is based upon the text Valuing the Earth: Economics, Ecology, and Ethics.
UAF 745 Human Health and Environmental Policy (3 credits) - UMCP
Reviews the major human physiological systems and their integrated toxicological functions; considers key bodily defenses; and discusses classic, emerging, and ambiguous risks; in all ecological context. Applies to scientific controversy, the methods of policy formation, such as risk analysis, social-cost analysis, "outcomes" analysis, and decision analysis, all in political-economic context.