CHEM 401 Principles of Physical Chemistry I (4 credits) - UMES
Instructor: Dr. Yan Waguespack
Prerequisite: CHEM 112, PHYS 161, PHYS 262 or PHYS 181H, PHYS 182H, MATH 211 (physics or mathematics may be taken concurrently) or permission of instructor.
Laws of thermodynamics with emphasis on their application to chemical systems. Topics covered include: thermochemistry, equation of state, physical and chemical equilibrium and electrochemistry. Three hours lecture and a three hours laboratory per week. Laboratory Fee: $25.00
CHEM 402 Principles of Physical Chemistry II (4 credits) - UMES
Instructor: Dr. Yan Waguespack
Prerequisite: CHEM 401
Continuation of CHEM 401. Molecular structure and bonding, interpretation of spectra, elementary quantum and statistical mechanics, kinetic, theory of gases, chemical kinetics and the theory of rate processes.
Three hours lecture and three hours laboratory per week. Laboratory Fee: $25.00
CHEM 420 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry (4 credits) - UMES
Instructor: Dr. Yan Waguespack
Prerequisite: CHEM 112, CHEM 114, CHEM 212, CHEM 214 or permission of the instructor.
This course builds upon introductory courses that cover elementary principles of chemical bonding and structure, thermodynamics, kinetics and descriptive chemistry of the elements. Three hours lecture and three hours of laboratory session per week. Laboratory Fee: $25.00.
CHEM 422M Bio-Inorganic Chemistry (3 credits) - UMES
Instructor: Dr. Yan Waguespack
Prerequisite: CHEM 212, CHEM214, CHEM 314, BIOL 326 or permission of the instructor.
This course deals with the functions of all metallic elements in biology. Consequently the roles of metal ions and a variety of non-metals in crucial life processes willbe discussed. The course, which is interdisciplinary in nature, is intended for pre-medical biology and chemistry majors and those who aspire to become researchers in the bio-medical field. It will also serve the needs of final year undergraduates in inorganic chemistry, as coordination chemistry will be emphasized.
CHEM 437 Comprehensive Biochemistry I (4 credits) - UMBC
Prerequisite: BIOL 100 and CHEM 352 or equivalent
The first semester of a two-semester sequence providing a through introduction to the principles of modern biochemistry. Major topics include enzyme kinetics and the structures and properties of proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates and lipids.
Fall semester.
CHEM 441 Advanced Organic Chemistry (3 credits) - UMCP
Prerequisite: CHEM 481
An advanced study of the compounds of carbon, with special emphasis on molecular orbital theory and organic reaction mechanisms.
CHEM 450 Ethics in Science and Engineering (3 credits) - UMCP
Prerequisite: permission of department
Ethical issues in science and their resolutions. Topics will be ethics and scientific truth, ethics and other scientists, and ethics and society.
CHEM 474 Environmental Chemistry (3 credits) - UMCP
Prerequisite: CHEM 481 or equivalent
The sources of various elements and chemical reactions between them in the atmosphere and hydrosphere are treated. Causes and biological effects of air and water pollution by certain elements are discussed.
CHEM 606 Bioinorganic Chemistry (3 credits) - UMBC
Prerequisite: CHEM 405 or consent of instructor.
The functions of metlas in biology, biochemistry and medicine are presented with emphasis on the structural and catalytic properties of metal centers in metalloproteins. Topics include catalysis, metalloenzyme mechanisms, inorganic co-factors and co-enzymes, and metal chemotherapeutic agents.
CHEM 621 Advanced Environmental Chemistry (4 credits) - UMES
Prerequisite: One year of general chemistry, one semester of organic chemistry and one semester of analytical chemistry, or permission of instructor.
Instructor: M. Cheney
The origin, transport and effects of atmospheric and aquatic pollutants are studied, with emphasis on energy-related pollutants including coal, oil and synfuels.
CHEM 622 Bioinorganic Chemistry ( 3 credits) - UMES
Instructor: Y. Waguespack
This course deals with the functions of metallic elements in biology. These functions range from simple structural roles to much more complex roles when they transfer electrons and break bonds. The roles of metal ions and a variety of non-metals in crucial life processes will be discussed. This course will also examine the physical methods and techniques, used in this field. In-depth discussions will also cover metalloenzymes and metal complexes used as imaging agents.
CHEM 631 Chemistry of Proteins (3 credits) - UMBC
Prerequisite: BIOL 430, CHEM 137 or equivalent and consent of instructor
An advanced treatment of the chemistry of proteins and protein-containing supramolecular structures. Topics include isolation and purification of proteins, structure of proteins and relation of structure to biological function.
CHEM 632 Advanced Biochemistry (3 credits) - UMBC
Prerequisite: consent of instructor
The topics presented would not normally be covered in any other biochemical courses and may include an advanced treatment of enzyme kinetics, with emphasis upon two substrate systems; allosteric control mechanisms; replication and transcription and the biochemistry of specialized tissue.
CHEM 632 Advanced Organic Chemistry (3 credits) - UMES
Students will acquire the latest knowledge and expertise in the utilization of modern analytical instrumentation routinely used in research laboratories, namely multidimensional NMR and MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry. This course will provide an in-depth study of reaction mechanisms of the most fundamental reaction in organic synthesis, namely the different ALDOL reactions.
CHEM 633 Biochemistry of Nucleic Acids (3 credits) - UMBC
Prerequisite: CHEM 437 or equivalent or consent of instructor
A survey of nucleic acid structure and function with emphasis on chemical aspects. Topics will include DNA and RNA structure, packaging of nucleic acids, chemical and physical properties of nucleic acids, proteins and enzymes of DNA replication, fidelity of nucleic acid synthesis, biochemistry of DNA recombination, enzymology of transcription and RNA processing.
CHEM 651 Mechanisms of Organic Reactions (3 credits) - UMBC
Prerequiste: CHEM 352
Advance treatment of he study of organic reaction mechanisms, with emphasis on the development of broad principles governing various organic reactions. Description of metastable intermediates, such as carbonic ions, cab anions, carbenes and free radicals; kinetic effects in relation to structure; conformational analysis; and stereochemistry.
CHEM 670 Advanced Biochemistry (3 credits) - UMES
Prerequisites: one semester of biochemistry
Instructor: A. Nyame
Course covers the classification, chemistry and metabolism of protein, amino acids, carbohydrates and lipids.
CHEM 678 Special Topics in Environmental Chemistry (3 credits) - UMCP
Prerequisite: CHEM 474
In-depth treatment of environmental chemistry problem areas of current research interest. Topics will vary.