ANTH 422 Human-Plant-(Human and Bioactive PLant) Interaction (3 credits) - UMCP
Prerequisite: ANTH220 and ANTH 320 or permission of department
This seminar course will discuss the evolutionary, historical, cultural, and ecological aspects of coevolution with respect to human and their interactions with specific bioactive plants. Case studies of yuma-plant-(pathogen) interactions will be discussed as well as an inclusive survey of anthropologically important phytochemicals. The seminar incorporates human-plant-(pathogen) interactions into models of human evolution and ecology.
ANTH 425 Theory and Practice of Applied Biological Anthropology (3 credits) - UMCP
An introduction to the major theoretical and methodological underpinnings of applied biological anthropology within such areas as anthropological genetics, applied anthropology, forensic anthropology, museum studies, and zoological parks. Emphasis is on the evaluation of the contributions of applied bioanthropological studies to particular problems in human health, environments, and heritage.
ANTH 446 Chesapeake Archeology ( 3 credits) - UMCP
Prerequisite: ANTH 240
An overview of the culture and history of the Chesapeake watershed region, and of the issues that archaeologists face working in this region.
ANTH 630 Quantification and Statistics in Applied Anthropology (3 credits) - UMCP
An intensive overview of key quantitative and statistical approaches used by social scientists in applied policy research. This includes nonparametric and parametric statistical approaches. Student will utilize statistical software and analyze existing and student-created databases.
ANTH 450 Theory and Practice of Environmental Anthropology (3 credits ) - UMCP
An overview of contemporary application of cultural theory and methods to environmental problems. Topics include the use of theories of culture, cognitive approaches, discourse analysis, and political ecology. Case studies from anthropology, other social sciences, humanities, conservation, and environmental history are demonstrate the applied value of a cultural-environmental approach. Also offered as ANTH 650; credit granted only for ANTH 450 or ANTH 650.
ANTH 646 Advanced Studies in Chesapeake Archaeology (3 credits) - UMCP
An understanding of the greater Chesapeake region, including its major cities, derived from prehistoric and historical archaeology. The course will include topics related to the past and present conditions of Native peoples, colonized populations, and the relationship of preserved remains to modern political standings.
ANTH 650 Advanced Studies in Theory and Practice of Environmental Anthropology (3 credits ) - UMCP
An overview of contemporary application of cultural theory and methods to environmental problems. Topics include the use of theories of culture, cognitive approaches, discourse analysis, and political ecology. Case studies from anthropology, other social sciences, humanities, conservation, and environmental history are demonstrate the applied value of a cultural-environmental approach. Also offered as ANTH 450; credit granted only for ANTH 450 or ANTH 650.