GEOG 431 Culture and Natural Resource Management (3 credits) - UMCP
asic issues concerning the natural history of humans from the perspective of the geographer. Basic components of selected behavioral and natural systems, their evolution and adaptation, and survival strategies.
EOG 445 Climatology (3 credits) - UMCP
rerequisite: GEOG 345
uantitative nvestigations into the earth's radiation balance, water cycle, and the interrelationship of climate and vegetation. Methodologies in climate research. Case studies related to global climate change.
EOG 472 Remote Sensing: Digital Processing and Analysis (3 credits) - UMCP
Prerequisite: GEOG 372, GEOG 306 or equivalent
Digital image processing and analysis applied to satellite and aircraft land remote sensing data. Consideration is given to preprocessing steps including calibration and geo registration. Analysis methods include digital image exploration, feature extraction thematic classification, change detection, and biophysical characterization.
GEOG 473 Geographic Information Systems and Spacial Analysis (3 credits) - UMCP
Prerequisite: GEOG 373 or GEOG 306 or equivalent
Analytical uses of geographic information systems; data models for building geographic data bases; types of geographic data and spatial problems; practical experience using advanced software for thematic domains such as terrain analysis, land suitability modeling, demographic analysis, and transportation studies.
GEOG 606 Quantitative Spacial Analysis (3 credits)
Prerequisite: GEOG 305 or permission of department.
Multivariate statistical method applications to spatial problems. Linear and non-linear correlation and regression, factor analysis, cluster analysis. Spatial statistics including: trend surfaces, sequences, point distributions. Applications orientation.
GEOG 614 Human Dimensions of Global Change (3 credits)
he intersection of human and biophysical systems from the vantage point of the impact of human actions on the environment are examined. The impact of the biophysical environment on humans is also discussed.
GEOG 615 Land Cover and Land Use Change (3 credits)
Prerequisite: GEOG 442, GEOG 472, GEOG 435, or GEOG 473 or permission of department
An examination of land use cover and land use change science, addressing the causes, impacts and projection of change. Key concepts of land use science are presented and recent research papers and case studies are reviewed.
GEOG 635 Population and Environment (3 credits)
ourse explores the reciprocal relationship between humans and physical systems that result in changes in the environment. Focuses on the roles of demographic variables of population growth and migration and physical environmental variables from both a historic and recent time frame. These processes will be examined at various scales, from local changes to global changes.
EOG 638 Seminar in Biogeography (3 credit)
Prerequisite: 6 credits of biogeography or ecology or permission of department
opics in biogeography: biological aspects of geography. These may include ecology, biodiversity, climate-vegetation interactions, impact of global change.
EOG 639 Seminar in Physical Geography (3 credits)
rerequisite: permission of department
xamination of selected themes and problems in physical geography.
GEOG 642 Ecosystem Processes and Human Habitability (3 credits)
rerequisite: GEOG 422 or permission of department
iological and biogeographical processes relevant to the capacity of the earth's biota to support the demands of its human populations.
EOG 673 GIS Modeling (3 credits)
rerequisite: GEOG 472 or permission of department
rocess modeling and spatial analysis within the GIS context. Introduces theoretical fundamentals and conceptual approaches to frame and represent geographical phenomena and spatial decision making.
EOG 695 Spatial Models (3 credits)
rerequisite: GEOG 605 and GEOG 483 or permission of department
athematical and other models for varied subject matter. Models for point, line, area, surface spatial data contexts. Descriptive and normative models. Aggregate and dis-aggregate models. Tools for research, planning, decision making. Information systems context. Intuitive understanding emphasized. Practical experience using several computer tools.