ENST 410 Ecosystem Services: An Integrated Analysis (3 credits) - UMCP
Prerequisite: BSCI 361 or permission of instructor
The importance of our ecosystem and the services they provide will be discussed. Basic principles used to analyze ecosystem services will be discussed and applied using case studies and filed exercises. Forestland, wetlands and our marine resources are increasingly recognized for their ecosystem services provided to society, to include clean air and water, wildlife habitat, biodiversity, carbon storage and pollination services. This course will prepare students to deal with the complex issues involved in understanding those and other ecosystem services and their importance to society and environmental sustainability. Students will analyze the ecological, political and financial dimensions of enhancing, restoring and sustaining ecosystem services. New and on-going government programs and private business ventures will be discussed.
ENST 417 Soil Physics and Hydrology (3 credits) - UMCP
Instructor: R. Hill
Prerequisite: ENST 200 and MATH 133 or MATH 115 or permission of instructor.
A study of soil-water interactions, the hydrologic cycle, the unique properties of water and soil, the soil components and their interactions, the field water cycle, transport processes involving water, heat and solutes, human effects on soil and groundwater, as well as the measurement, prediction, and control of the physical processes taking place in and through the soil.
ENST 422 Soil Microbial Ecology (3 credits) - UMCP
Instructor: S. Yarwood
Prerequisite: ENST 200 or one course in biochemistry or microbiology
The interdisciplinary study of soil microorganisms and their interactions with the mineral matrix, resulting in processes such as nutrient cycling, decontamination, and natural product production. Focus on the diversity of soil communities, their survival strategies, and the new strategies used to study these communities. Cross-listed as ENST 622; credit only granted for one course.
ENST 423 Soil-Water Pollution (3 credits) - UMCP
Instructor: R. Hill
Prerequisite: CHEM 104 and ENST 200 and permission of department
Reaction and fate of pesticides, agricultural fertilizers, industrial and animal wastes in soil and water with emphasis on their relation to the environment.
ENST 427 Nonpoint Source Pollution Assessment Techniques (3 credits) - UMCP
Instructor: G. Felton
Prerequisite: one course in hydrology or permission of department
Various techniques to measure non-point source pollution, quantify mass transport, and statistically evaluate water quality criteria. Primary focus is on agriculture and water but urban NPS pollution is addressed.
ENST 434 Toxic Contaminants: Sources, Fate, and Effects (3 credits) - UMCP
Instructor: L. Yonkos
Prerequisite: ENST 333 and ENST 334
Study of the release to the environment, transport through natural compartments, persistence and ultimate fate of various classes of contaminants produced as a result of human activities. Topics will culminate in discussions of impacts to wildlife and human health.
ENST 436 Emerging Environmental Threats (3 credits) - UMCP
Instructor: P. Leisnham
Prerequisites: ENST 233 or permission of department
Course Description: Examine new and potential environmental concerns in the air, water, soil, space, and the build environment. Emphasis on studying the intrinsic links between ecosystem and human health. Topics will include climate change, resource consumption, biodiversity change, infectious disease, non-traditional pollutants, and other complex and significant environmental concerns.
ENST 447 Biodiversity, Ecology, and Human Health (3 credits) - UMCP
Instructor: P. Leisnham
Prerequisite: BIOM 301 or permission of department
An investigation of how biodiversity and ecological processes affect human health. We will view humans as integral but unique members of ecosystems whose well-being depends on a range of complex ecological services. Topics will include human-induced environmental changes, species invasions, species interactions, medicines from nature, and infectious diseases. Lab will involve conducting research on native and introduced species of medical importance.
ENST 451 Water Quality: Field and Lab Analysis Methods (3 credits) - UMCP
Instructor: A. Baldwin
Prerequisite: CHEM 131 and CHEM 132 and CHEM 104 or CHEM 231 andCHEM 232.
Hands-on experience with techniques for assessing physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of surface waters, including streams, lakes, and wetlands. Emphasis is placed on understanding effects of water quality on ecosystem structure and function. Two hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory per week.
ENST 445 Ecoligical Risk Assessment (3 credits) - UMCP
Instructor: W. Hillwalker
Prerequisite: ENST 330, BSCI 361 and BIOM 301 or permission of department
Assessment of ecological impacts of perturbations on natural systems. Course will describe quantitative methods of estimating environmental impacts by extrapolating from laboratory and field data. The role of regulatory agencies and implications of scientific uncertainty on risk management ail be covered.
ENST 460 Principles of Wildlife Management (3 credits) - UMCP
Instructor: J. Murrow
Prerequisite: 2 semesters of biology laboratory or permission of department
Ecological principles and requirements of wildlife as basis for management, and introduction to the scientific literature. Conflicts in wildlife management, government administration of wildlife resources, legislation, and history of the wildlife management profession.
ENST 461 Urban Wildlife Management (3credits) - UMCP
Instructor: J. Murrow
Ecology and management of wildlife in urban areas. Planning, design, and wildlife conservation in landscape ecology. Public attitudes, preferences, and values; review of private conservation organizations.
ENST 462 Field Techniques in Wildlife Management (2 credits) - UMCP
Instructor: J. Murrow
Hands-on experience with field techniques in wildlife management focusing on various methods of conducting indices, estimates, and censuses of wildlife populations. Includes capture and handling of amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals by use of drift fences, cover boards, mist nets, box traps, and dart guns.
ENST 479 Tropical Ecology and Resources Management (1 - 6 credits) - UMCP
Instructor: P. Kangas
Prerequisite: BSCI 106 and introductory economics and permission of instructor
Tropical ecosystems and issues of human use and impact. Includes lectures which lead up to an off-campus trip in a tropical environment.
ENST 605 Energy and Environment (3 credits) - UMCP
Instructor: D. Tilley
Prerequisite: MATH 220 or equivalent
The role of energy in environmental and human-dominated systems and their linkages. Discussion of the historical and modern production and consumption of energy; energy systems simulation modeling, energy analysis and energy auditing. Cross-listed as ENST 405 and MEES 605; credit only granted for one course.
ENST 622 Advanced Soil Microbial Ecology (3 credits) - UMCP
Instructor: S. Yarwood
Prerequisite: ENST 200 or 1 course in BCHM or 1 course in microbiology
The interdisciplinary study of soil microorganisms and their interactions with the mineral matrix, resulting in processes such as nutrient cycling, decontamination and natural product production. Focus on the diversity of soil communities, their survival strategies, and the new strategies used to study these communities.
ENST 630 Advanced Wetland Soils (3 credits) - UMCP
Instructor: M. Rabenhorst
Prerequisite: ENST 200
The soils of wetlands including hydrology, biogeochemistry, and pedogenesis, including a focused discussion of current literature. Federal and regional guidelines for wetland soils are covered with an emphasis on validating interpretations through field observations.
ENST 643 Advanced Industrial Ecology (3 credits) - UMCP
Instructor: P. Kangas
Prerequisite: BSCI 361 or permission of department
Problems of waste management and recycling in human societies are covered. The industrial ecology approach to design is contrasted with analogous patterns from natural ecosystems.
ENST 647 Advanced Biodiversity, Ecology, and Human Health (3 credits) - UMCP
Instructor: P. Leisnham
Prerequisite: BSCI 361 or permission of department
An investigation of how biodiversity and ecological processes affect human health. Topics will include human-induced environmental changes, species invasions, species interactions, medicines from nature and infectious diseases. Students will lead class discussion of peer-reviewed literature and complete an assignment writing a research grant proposal. Lab will involved researching native and introduced species of medical importance.
ENST 650 Advanced Wetland Ecology (3 credits) - UMCP
Instructor: A. Baldwin
Prerequisite: BIOM 301 or permission of department
Plant and animal communities, biogeochemistry, and ecosystem properties of wetland systems. Laboratory emphasizes collection and analysis of field data on wetland vegetation, soil and hydrology. Offered at UMCP campus. Fall Odd Years.
ENST 652 Advanced Wetland Creation and Restoration (3 credits) - UMCP
Instructor: A. Baldwin
Prerequisite: BSCI 106, BSCI 362 and ENST450/650 or MEES650, or permission of department
Design, construction and evaluation of wetlands restored or created for ecosystem enhancement or mitigation. Topics include ecological restoration theory, goal-setting, practices for establishing wetland hydrology, substrate, and vegetation, and restored ecosystem monitoring and functional assessment. Cross-listed as MEES 652.
ENST 681 Advanced Ecological Design (3 credits) - UMCP
Instructor: S. Lansing
Prerequisite: One semester calculus, CHEM 131 and PHYS 121 or permission of instructor
An advanced survey course on the field of ecological design. Principles of design are illustrated with case studies from biologically-based waste treatment systems, ecosystem management and sustainable development. Cross-listed as MEES 681.
ENST 698W Current Issues in Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences (3 credits) - UMCP
Instructor: R. Harrell
Prerequisite: ENST 214, ENST 314 and/or ENST 460
A case-study analysis course with considerable student participation discussing current issues in fisheries and wildlife science that focus on critical analysis of the issue, steps taken to address the issues, and if the issue has been resolved.
ENST 702 Environmental Science and Technology : Communication and Professional Development (2 credits) - UMCP
Prerequisite: permission of instructor
Training in communication and professional development to prepare students to succeed in careers within the fields of environmental science and technology. Topics include manuscript and technical writing, job search, communication with academic and non-academic audiences, multi-disciplinary collaboration, management, professionalism, leadership, ethics, and career opportunities. Course emphasizes practical training through facilitated discussions and critique practicums.
ENST 722 Advanced Soil Chemistry (3 credits) - UMCP
Prerequisite: permission of instructor
A continuation of ENST 421 with emphasis on soil chemistry of minor elements necessary for plant growth.