BIOM 601 Biostatistics I (4 credits) - UMCP
Prerequisite: BIOM 301, STAT 464 or equivalent
Estimation and hypothesis testing, t tests, one and two way analysis of variance, regression, analysis of frequency data. Lecture will emphasize uses and limitations of these methods in biology, while the laboratory will emphasize the use of statistical analysis software for the analysis of biological data.
BIOM 602 Biostatistics II (4 credits) - UMCP
Instructor: B. Momen
Prerequisite: BIOM 405 or BIOM 601
The principles of experimental design and analysis of variance and covariance.
BIOM 603 Biostatistics III (4 credits) - UMCP
Prerequisite: BIOM 602 or equivalent
Applications and implementation of linear model analysis to biological data, including multivariate regression model, mixed model, generalized linear mixed model, nonlinear logistic and Poisson regression models, power calculation and survival analysis.
BIOM 621 Applied Multivariate Statistics (3 credits)
Instructor: B. Momen
Prerequisite: BIOM 602
Brief review of matrix algebra, means covariance matrices, multivariate normal, multivariate confidence ellipses. MANOVA, Discriminant Methods, Principal Component Analysis, Factor Analysis, Cluster Analysis, Multidimensional Scaling, and other topics depending on student interest.
Fall semester. Course offered on IVN.