ENVS 603 Marine Ecotoxicology (3 credits) - UMES
Prerequisites: CHEM 112, CHEM 211, BIOL 112, MATH 210
Instructor: A. Ishaque
This course cuts across traditional subject boundaries by integrating different disciplines such as chemistry and biochemistry through ecology and statistics. It provides students with a distinct approach for solving marine environmental pollution issues stemming from stable pollutants and how they intersect with biotic and abiotic components of the marine ecosystem. 
ENVS 660 Earth Science (4 credits) - UMES
Prerequisites: one year and chemistry and one year of physics
Instructor: N. Chen
This is an interdisciplinary course designed to show how geology, meteorology, physical geography, soil science, astronomy and oceanography are interrelated in the study of earth and its environment in space. Spring semester.