ENTM 612 Insect Ecology (3 credits) - UMCP
Prerequisite: a course in general ecology or permission of department.
An advanced course in population and community ecology, plant-insect interactions, and insect biogeography. Emphasis on current entomological literature.
ENTM 667 Aquatic Entomology (3 credits) - UMCP
Biology, ecology, and taxonomy of aquatic insects in lotic and lentic habitats, their adaptation to aquatic life, their function in aquatic ecosystems, and their relationship to environmental deterioration.
ENTM 701 Effective Teaching: TA Training (1 credit) - UMCP
survey and discussion of topics pertinent to graduate students who are first-time teaching assistants, including teaching responsibilities and policies, effective techniques of lecturing and leading discussions, composing and grading quizzes and exams, cultural diversity, time management, and development of a teaching portfolio.