Name: Anna Hildebrand
Advisor: Dr. Laura Lapham
Foundation: Earth & Ocean Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science [UMCES]
Lab: Chesapeake Biological Laboratory [CBL]
Contact Information:
Name: Emily Jolly
Advisor: Dr. Allen Place
Foundation: Environmental Molecular Science & Technology
Institution: University of Maryland College Park [UMCP]
Lab: Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology [IMET]
Contact Information:
Name: Qianru Liao
Advisor: Dr. William Fagan
Foundation: Ecological Systems
Institution: University of Maryland College Park [UMCP]
Lab: Appalachian Laboratory [AL]
Contact Information:
Name: Maximillian (Max) Morgan
Advisor: Dr. Rita Colwell
Foundation: Environmental Molecular Science & Technology
Institution: University of Maryland College Park [UMCP]
Lab: Chesapeake Bay Laboratory [CBL]
Contact Information:
Name: David Garcia Prieto
Advisor: Dr. Clara Fuchsman
Foundation: Earth & Ocean Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science [UMCES]
Lab: Horn Point Laboratory [HPL]
Contact Information:
Name: Amanda Rockler
Advisor: Dr. Paul Leisnham
Foundation: Environment & Society
Institution: University of Maryland College Park [UMCP]
Contact Information:
Name: Leonardo Soto
Advisor: Dr. Timothy Canty (academic) & Dr. Shiladitya DasSarma (research)
Foundation: Environmental Molecular Science & Technology
Institution: University of Maryland College Park [UMCP]
Lab: Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology [IMET]
Contact Information:
Name: Katherine Stahl
Advisor: Dr. Andrew Baldwin
Foundation: Ecological Systems
Institution: University of Maryland College Park [UMCP]
Lab: Appalachian Laboratory [AL]
Contact Information: