Name: Leonardo Soto
Advisor: Dr. Shiladitya DasSarma
Foundation: Environmental Molecular Science & Technology
Institution: University of Maryland Baltimore [UMB]
Lab: Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology [IMET]
Contact Information:
Name: Vedangi Hyatnagarkar
Advisor: Dr. Som Chatterjee
Foundation: Environmental Molecular Science & Technology
Institution: University of Maryland Baltimore [UMB]
Lab: Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology [IMET]
Contact Information:
Name: Raymond Poon
Advisor: Dr. Som Chatterjee
Foundation: Environmental Molecular Science & Technology
Institution: University of Maryland Baltimore [UMB]
Lab: Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology [IMET]
Contact Information:
Name: Pengzheng Yong
Advisor: Dr. Shaojun Du
Foundation: Earth & Ocean Systems
Institution: University of Maryland Baltimore [UMB]
Lab: Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology [IMET]
Contact Information:
Name: Zhanxiong Zhang
Advisor: Dr. Shaojun Du
Foundation: Environmental Molecular Science & Technology
Institution: University of Maryland Baltimore County [UMB]
Lab: Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology [IMET]
Contact Information: