Dhan V. Kalvakolanu
web site
Regulation of gene transcription and signal transduction by cytokines; tumor cell growth control; apoptosis and the regulation of novel cell death-activating genes
Todd M. Kana (*not currently accepting students)
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Biological oceanography; algal and plant physiological ecology; regulation of photosynthesis and respiration; oxygen cycling in marine systems; applications of mass spectrometry
Patrick Kangas
web site
Ecological engineering; natural resource management; tropical ecosystems; self organization in living and non-living systems
Sujay Kaushal
web site
Biogeochemistry of watersheds and aquatic ecosystems, fate and transport of pollutants, limnology, microbial ecology, organic geochemistry and environmental history
Michael S. Kearney
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Quaternary geomorphology; processes and rates of marsh loss; barrier island dynamics; applications of remote sensing to the study of coastal processes.
Zvi Kelman
web site
Biochemistry and molecular interaction; biochemical characterization of DNA replication; DNA replication in Archaea
Victor S. Kennedy (*currently not accepting students)
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Reproduction and larval behavior and ecology of bivalves; crab and fish foraging behavior; ecology and dynamics of littoral and sublittoral benthic communities; global climate change
Madan Kharel (*currently not accepting students)
web site
Our lab seeks to identify bioactive natural products from marine resources. Our focus is to explore their potential applications both as therapeutics or their significance at local ecosystems. We utilize molecular biology, synthetic biology and bioorganic chemistry techniques to address research questions.
K. Halimeda Kilbourne (*currently not accepting students)
web site
Paleoclimate and Paleooceanography; causes of past climate variability and its implications for future climates, geochemical records of biogenic carbonates, learning from the geologic record of environmental change; climate change
Laura Lapham (*currently not accepting students)
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Methane biogeochemistry, marine methane seeps, gas hydrates, Arctic permafrost, sediment biogeochemistry, carbon and nitrogen cycling, sulfate reduction, methanogenesis, anaerobic methane oxidation
Stephanie Lansing
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Anaerobic digestion; ecological waste treatment systems; treatment wetlands; nutrient cycling; energy analysis; ecological modeling
Andrew M. Lazur
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Food and baitfish culture; integration of aquaculture with agriculture for nutrient reduction; effluent and water quality management; marketing and economic evaluation of alternative aquaculture species; fish restoration
Jeff Leips
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Evolution of life history traits, specifically focused on understanding how the genetic architecture underlying these traits guides and constrains their evolutionary responses to natural selection
Paul T. Leisnham
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The ecology of native and invasive mosquitoes in water-filled containers, wetlands, and drainage systems; species that are affected both by human disruption (e.g., climate change, land use change, and globalization) and that present social, economic and health risks.
Ming Li
web site
My research spans several areas in oceanography, including estuarine and coastal dynamics, turbulence, sea level rise, and regional impacts of climate change. I am also actively engaged in interdisciplinary research to address pressing environmental problems such as hypoxia, ocean acidification, and harmful algal blooms.
Yantao Li
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My research program aims to understand abiotic and biotic interactions of microalgae with the environment, and the molecular mechanisms regulating carbon assimilation and lipid biosynthesis during those interactions.
Dong Liang (*not currently accepting students)
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My research involves statistical issues in synthesizing environmental data sets. I focus on Bayesian hierarchical models and geo-spatial tools to fuse information from survey design and multiple sources. My research is collaborative with other MEES foundation areas, examples areas include Fisheries, Environmental Science and Policy, Environmental health, and spatial epidemiology.
Karen R. Lips
web site
Conservation and ecology of amphibians and reptiles, with interest at multiple scales - including population, community and ecosystems - especially as they are affected by emerging infectious disease and global change
Slava Lyubchich
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Time series analysis, forecasting, applied statistics, non-parametric inference, bootstrap, environmental modeling, random networks
Sairah Malkin
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Biogeochemistry and microbial ecology, particularly in sediment environments; benthic ecology; coastal and large lakes ecology. Current projects are investigating the ecology of sulfur oxidizing bacteria in coastal marine systems.
Eric B. May
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Effects of environmental contamination and habitat degradation on aquatic animal health; use of biochemical and metabolic indicators to determine the response of fish to injurious agents of conditions; establishment of clinical methods for non-lethal testing
Marla McIntosh
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Sustainable forestry; genetics of hyperaccumulation of Cd in Thlaspi caerulescens; pytomedicinals; genetic diversity
Tamra Mendelson (*currently not accepting students)
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Ecology & evolution of communication; rate of communication evolution vs. ecological divergence & other reproductive barriers; biology at the science-policy-practice interface.
Donald Meritt
web site
Oyster aquaculture and restoration; wildlife management; invertebrate ecology; aquaculture
Andrew J. Miller (*currently not accepting students)
web site
Surface-water hydrology and fluvial geomorphology; interaction between flow patterns and boundary conditions imposed by geometry; effects of human activities on watershed hydrology and river channels
Thomas Miller (*currently not accepting students)
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Recruitment and population dynamics of aquatic animals; fish early life history; feeding and bio-physical interactions; aquatic ecology; blue crabs
Carys Mitchelmore
web site
Investigating molecular, biochemical and cellular responses of aquatic organisms to inorganic and organic pollutants; determining species-specificity; biochemical pathways and toxic effects; applying and developing novel biomarkers to existing and emerging environmental problems
Madhumi Mitra
web site
Paleontology, paleocology and paleoenvironmental studies of cretaceous-quaternary sediments of atlantic coastal plain; factors impacting the decline of submerged aquatic vegetation; phytoplankton dynamics
Thoedore A. Mollett
Role of hormones in animal growth, reproduction and lactation
Laura Murray
web site
Ecology of marine and estuarine wetland communities; research experiences for environmental education.
Jennifer L. Mullinax (Murrow)
web site
Applied spatial wildlife ecology, with emphasis on habitat modeling, habitat use and selection, and animal movements in suburban and urban ecosystems; conflict resolution and conservation planning in natural resources
Abhijit Nagchaudhuri
Integration of advanced technologies of mechatronics in the fields of precision agriculture, environmental, marine and geosciences; remote sensing and image analysis
William Nardin
web site
We have 2 new projects and I am looking for candidates with engineering background to work on quantify metric's design of coastal restoration projects. Those projects involve mostly modeling and some fieldwork. Knowing how to pilot a drone is preferential.
Brian Needelman
web site
Applying the concepts and tools of pedology to solve environmental problem; pollutant fate and transport; improving management and phosphorus fate and transport; carbon sequestration in tidal marshes; spatial and geospatial analyses; soil mapping and applications of soil survey databases
Maile Neel
web site
Understanding patterns of biological diversity as well as the relationships between these patterns and the ecological and evolutionary processes that have created them; applying this understanding to developing effective conservation approaches and to predict effects of changing patterns and processes
David M. Nelson (*currently not accepting students)
web site
Ecosystem responses to natural and human-induced variations in climatic and environmental conditions; study of plants and microbes in geologic and modern settings utilizing isotopic, paleoecological, genomic and biogeochemical tools
Judd O. Nelson
web site
Insecticide toxicology; physiology; environmental toxicology
Nicholas Nidzieko
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Effect of mixing and circulation on biogeochemical processes and fates in coastal ecosystems; ecosystem metabolism
Elizabeth North
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Fisheries oceanography with emphasis on shellfish in estuaries; Three-dimensional habitat and particle trajectory modeling; Carbon capture with microalgae; Stakeholder-driven research
Eguono Wayne Omagamre
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My lab explores the environmental and biological impacts of PFAS and climate change on plants and insects, with a focus on stress responses. We investigate how these stressors influence plant-insect interactions, develop insect-based biomonitoring applications, and utilize genomic tools to uncover insights into developmental biology and adaptive responses to environmental challenges.
Judith O'Neil (*currently not accepting students)
web site
Harmful Algal Bloom dynamics; plankton nutrient and trophodynamics; Cyanobacteria ecophysiology
Edward Orlando
web site
Integration of molecular, endocrinological, and morphological endpoints to investigate the environment - genome interaction and its effect on development and reproduction; how environmental factors affect the development of sex specific characteristics and brain - pituitary - gonadal axis regulation of reproduction in fishes