Assistant Professor Position in Biogeochemistry/Water Quality

College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES)

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Assistant Professor in Aquatic Biogeochemistry and Water Quality- Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences (NRES) in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES) at the University of Illinois Urbana – Champaign (, invites candidates to apply for a 9-month, tenure-track, 60% research/40% teaching Assistant Professor in the areas of Water Quality and Aquatic Biogeochemistry.  

The University of Illinois is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action employer. Minorities, women, veterans and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply. For more information, visit To learn more about the University’s commitment to diversity, please visit

The successful candidate will develop a nationally recognized program focused on the influence of human activities and associated changes (land use intensification, climate change) on freshwaters and their links to terrestrial systems.  We are particularly interested in candidates who address one or more of the following topics: the efficacy of field-scale agricultural practices designed to prevent nutrient and/or agrochemical loss; how land use and climate change impact hydrological and biogeochemical processes that govern water quality and aquatic ecosystem function; interactions of hydrologic, chemical and biological processes at the aquatic-terrestrial interface. The successful candidate is expected to have expertise in field-based and empirical investigations of soil and water biogeochemical processes, and the hydrologic connections between terrestrial biogeochemistry, surface water quality and aquatic ecosystem function. Applicants who are also proficient in laboratory-based and computational investigations are encouraged. This hire will complement existing faculty in the Department working on land use and land cover change, water and chemical transport in soils, water quality and protection, aquatic ecosystem conservation, and land-atmosphere interactions in agroecosystems, as well as faculty in related departments working on climate change and ecosystem ecology in natural and managed systems. 

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is the flagship campus of the University of Illinois system and offers an extraordinary environment for water quality research and education.  NRES has a strong, highly ranked research and education program focusing on management, restoration and human dimensions of natural resources.  This program is connected to related campus programs on watershed and ecological systems anchored in the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, the Department of Crop Sciences, the Department of Geography and Geographic Information Science, the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, the Illinois State Water Survey, the Illinois State Geological Survey, the USGS Water Science Center, the National Great Rivers Research and Education Center, the Department of Plant Biology and the Illinois Natural History Survey.

In addition to developing an extramurally funded research program, the successful candidate will be expected to teach undergraduate and graduate courses, such as biogeochemistry.  A Ph.D. in an appropriate field is required at the time of appointment and postdoctoral experience is preferred.  Applicants are expected to present evidence of excellence in research and teaching.  The start date is August 16, 2019.  Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience.

For full consideration, please create your candidate profile at and upload your required documents, including Letter of application, Curriculum Vitae, up to three representative publications, statement of teaching and research interests, as well as the names and contact information of three professional references.  Professional references will automatically be contacted for letters as part of the application process.  Applications submitted in full and received by November 1, 2018 will be given full consideration.

 Inquiries should be directed to: Dr. Yannarell, Search Committee Chair at, or 217-333-2398 

The University of Illinois conducts criminal background checks on all job candidates upon acceptance of a contingent offer.