A DFG funded one year post-doc position (TV-L 13, 100%, 39 hours/week) is open at the Institute of Oceanography, University of Hamburg (UHH) for a project titled "Sea ice dispersion using Lagrangian dynamics: a dynamical systems study". A brief summary of the project and information on how to apply is here:
Deadline for application is March 15, 2017.
Please, get in touch with Gualtiero Badin for more information.
Gualtiero Badin
Junior Professor
Institute of Oceanography, University of Hamburg
Bundesstr. 53
20146 Hamburg, Germany
Tel.: +49 40 42838-5656
https://sites.google.com/site/gualtierobadin/ <https://webmail.rrz.uni-hamburg.de/services/go.php?url=https%3A%2F%2Fsites.google.com%2Fsite%2Fgualtierobadin%2F&_t=1488543648&_h=W2DwqwWRf4v245zKA0X01Bb2YSQ>