Nitrogen Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry Postdoc, University of Basel, Switzerland

We are looking for a postdoc (24 to 36 months) with expertise and interest
in nitrogen stable isotope biogeochemistry. The postdoc project is part of
a larger collaboration (SNF Sinergia program) between the University of
Basel, the Eawag, and the Empa. The postdoc will be located in Basel and
will focus on the dissolved inorganic nitrogen isotope effects in partial
nitritation-anammox systems.

This postdoctoral research project will use a combination of dissolved
inorganic nitrogen isotopic and molecular techniques applied mostly to
samples from bioreactor experiments. The work on N and O isotope effects
and the controls on isotope fractionation during N cycling reactions in
nitritation-anammox bioreactors, under controlled environmental conditions.
The planned experiments are expected to advance our understanding of N and
O isotope signatures of anammox in natural environments, as well as to
verify the use of NOx N and O isotope measurements for process control
during autotrophic nitrogen removal in wastewater treatment systems.

Qualifications: Background in Biogeochemistry/Environmental
Sciences/Geosciences/Chemistry; laboratory experience in stable isotope
geochemistry; experience with DIN isotope measurements will be an asset.

For more information on our research group see https://biogeochem.duw. or contact me directly.

Prof. Dr. Moritz Lehmann
Dean of Research
Faculty of Science (Phil.-Natw. Fakult?t)
University of Basel

Aquatic and Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry
University of Basel
Bernoullistrasse 30
CH-4056 Basel
Telephone +41-61-2073616 
Fax: ++41/61/207 04 79 