Postdoctoral Research Associate - Wetland Microbial Processes
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
A short-term postdoctoral position in aquatic and wetland biogeochemistry is available in the Soil and Water Science Department at the University of Florida (Gainesville, FL) under the supervision of Dr. Patrick Inglett. The postdoc will manage a project assessing environmental controls (e.g., temperature, dissolved oxygen, flow rate) on enzyme expression and microbial activities in a constructed wetland designed for phosphorus removal. The ideal candidate will have familiarity with fluorescent enzyme approaches, microbial biomass and respiration measurements, basic isotropic measurements (13C) and sediment core or bottle-type studies. Candidates should have field experience including boats and sampling in wetland environments. The strongest candidates will also have excellent English communication skills and a demonstrated ability to publish.
Duration: 1 year, with an additional year pending performance and funding.
Salary: $35,000 - 45,000 depending on qualifications
Start Date: August - October 2016.
Application: Interested candidates should send a detailed CV, a brief narrative describing their interests and fit for the position and a list of three references to (include BGCHEM POSTDOC in the subject field). Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.