The Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) has an immediate opening for a postdoctoral research fellow who will use animal telemetry and environmental data to evaluate movement behavior and habitat use of estuarine and marine fishes. The fellow will assist with acoustic and likely satellite tagging of sharks and rays in the Chesapeake Bay and the US Mid-Atlantic region. The fellow will analyze resulting data as well as existing acoustic telemetry data for Cownose Rays, Blue Catfish and Commo Carp. Analyses will focus on identifying spatial and temporal patterns in habitat use across the coastal/estuarine interface. Analyses will include the development of statistical models relating distribution patterns to environmental conditions and forcing factors including seasonal and long term changes in temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and other factors depending on data availability. The resulting models will be used to identify spatial correlates of predator distributions, predict seasonal shifts in habitat use and potential changes in habitat use related to climate change, and help guide conservation and management decisions.
Applicants should have a Ph.D. in biology, ecology or fisheries, peer-reviewed publications, professional presentations, and demonstrated interest in public outreach. Applicants also need strong skills with statistical and geographic information systems (GIS) analyses. Skills using acoustic and satellite technology, data visualization tools or advanced statistical analyses (such as habitat use metrics, movement patterns, mixed-effects models or Bayesian analysis) are preferred. The position is funded for 2 years. The stipend is $48,000/year plus health insurance. For best consideration, send letter of application, CV, graduate and undergraduate transcripts (scanned copies are fine), and names of three references (with telephone numbers are e-mail addresses) by June 3, 2016 by Dr. Matthew Ogburn (, SERC, P.O. Box 28, Edgewater, MD 21037-0028. For more information on SERC visit EOE.