Applications are invited for three postdoctoral research associates to work with Dr. Peter Groffman on the following projects:
1) Denitrification in agricultural and forest soils. This position is funded a cooperative agreement with the USDA and a grant from the National Science Foundations and involves measurements of denitrification and associated microbial and soil variables in sites that are part of the USDA Long Term Agricultural Research network and as part of an ice storm manipulation project at the Hubbard Brook Long Term Ecological Research site in New Hampshire. The work will center on measurements of denitrification using a direct-flux approach available in Groffman's nitrogen biochemistry laboratory located at the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies in Millbrook, NY. The postdoc, who could be based at the City University of New York (CUNY) Advanced Science Research Center in Manhattan or at the Cary Institute, will also have the opportunity to develop independent lines of research within the context of this project. Apply at
2)Multi-scale coupled natural human system dynamics of nitrogen in residential landscapes. This project is funded by a new grant from the National Science Foundation that addressed how biogeochemical, hydrologic and human behavioral processes interact to control nitrogen exports from residential ecosystems and landscapes. The work will include coordinating a series of field measurements of biogeochemical and hydrological processes and integrative analysis with scientists from other disciplines. The position will be based at the CUNY Advanced Science Research Center in Manhattan with regular travel to Baltimore for field work and project coordination activities and will include opportunities to develop independent lines of research within the context of the project. Apply at
3)Urban ecosystem ecology in New York City. This position would involve participating in the development of several different projects focused on biophysical and social dynamics on nutrient cycling in New York City including urban agriculture, urban forestry, coastal resilience, combined sewer overflows and regional-scale analyses. The position will be based at the CUNY Advanced Science Research Center and will include opportunities to develop independent lines of research within the context of the project. Apply at
Closing date for all positions is July 12, 2016.