A postdoctoral research fellow position in intertidal ecology is available in the Laboratory of Dr. Sarah Gilman at the W.M. Keck Science Department of Claremont McKenna, Pitzer and Scripps Collages, Claremont, CA. The postdoc will join an NSF - funded project to explore the relative importance of physiological stress and energy limitations on the upper vertical limit of the intertidal barnacle, Balanus glandula.
The postdoc will participate in all aspect of the project, including 1) laboratory-based respirometry and feeding experiments, 2) energy budget modeling, and 3) intertidal field experiments. (S)he will also actively mentor undergraduate researchers. Additional responsibilities include laboratory management and the written and oral communication of research results. The project will include travel to field sites in California and Washington.
The postdoc will also have the opportunity to explore the culture of a teaching-focused institution, and will be involved in teaching one or more undergraduate courses, with mentoring from the PI.
The successful applicant will have completed a Ph.D. degree in ecology, marine biology, or a related field prior to the start date. (S)he will have prior experience with at least two of the three central research areas listed above. A good publication record, strong organizational and communication skills, and a demonstrated ability to work independently are required.
The intended start date for this position is September 2016. The duration is for up to three years. Salary and benefits are competitive.
The full job description can be found online at https://webapps.cmc.edu/jobs/staff/staff_opening_detail.php?PostingID=3D2149
To apply, please submit: a cover letter that explains your fit to the research position, your interest in teaching, and your potential start date; a CV; and the name of two references. Please use the online application form at the above link. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.
For more information, contact Sarah Gilman, sgilman@kecksci.claremont.edu