AGI is pleased to announce two distinct (PAID!) internship opportunities in its Workforce Program for Summer 2014.
The AGI Workforce Program tracks the supple and demand of geoscientists by collection original data and analyzing existing data from Federal and industry coerces, in order to inform the geoscience community of workforce trends and issues though regular reports. The Workforce Program also engages the next generation of geoscientists by supporting students recruitment at the college level and by communicating with students, faculty, and non-academic professionals about making the transition into the geoscience workforce after graduation.
2014 Summer Data Internship
AGI's Workforce Program is seeking an intern to work with the Workforce Staff this summer. Tasks will include selected research and analysis projects, data entry, quality control of new data, and database management for AGI's Geoscience Student Exit Survey and AGI's Directory of Geoscience Departments. There may be other activities that generally support the activities of the workforce program, such as communication with geoscience societies and university departments and creating new documents and materials related to issues concerning the geoscience community.
This internship is intended for students (either pursuing an undergraduate or Master's degree) with experience in data collection, data entry and database management. A background in geosciences is not required to apply for this position, but is strongly encouraged. Strong communication and teamwork skills are required.
The internship is 12 weeks long and includes a $5,000 stipend. The starting date is flexible. The internship will be held in the offices for the American Geosciences Institute in Alexandria, VA. The intern will be responsible for finding a housing arrangement if needed.
To apply for this position, please send a resume with a cover letter describing how your experience will help you in this position. Please also include names and contact information for two references via email to, with the subject heading "Summer Work force Data Internship."
All applications must be received by March, 10, 2013. All applications must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
AGI is an equal opportunity employer.
2014 Summer Science Education Research Internship
AGI's Workforce Program is seeking an intern to work with the Workforce Staff this summer specifically on a funded National Science Foundation grant (#1202707). This research grant is investigating Master's programs in the geosciences, what students are learning, what is being taught, and how well aligned theses are to what skills and competencies are needed within the workforce. Online, Likert-syle surveys have been deployed. Tasks for the intern will mainly include final data collection, data entry and cleaning, data analysis and development of resources for the geoscience community. These may be other items that pertain to the grant, such as communication with geoscientific societies and university departments and creating new documents and materials related to issues concerning skills and competencies for the geoscience community,
This internship is intended for students (either pursuing an undergraduate or Master's degree) with experience in science education research, including data collection and analysis. A background in geosciences is not required to apply for this position, but is strongly encouraged. Strong communication and teamwork skills are required.
The internship is 12 weeks long and includes a $5,000 stipend. The starting date is flexible. The internship will be held in the offices for the American Geosciences institute in Alexandria, VA. The intern will be responsible for finding a housing arrangement if needed.
To apply for this position, please send a resume or CV with a cover letter describing how your experience will help you in this position. Please also include names and contact information for two references via email to, with the subject heading "Summer Workforce Science Education Researcher Internship."
All applications must be received by March 10, 2013. All applicants just be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
AGI is an equal opportunity employer