The National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) in Annapolis, Maryland seeks proposals from highly qualified graduate students interested in conducting team-based socio-environmental synthesis research (i.e. “Graduate Pursuits").
Socio-environmental synthesis focuses on understanding connections between social and biophysical systems and emphasizes the importance of understanding them from a systems perspective. It is a process that brings together multiple, and often disparate, disciplines relevant to the problem at hand to create new insights and discoveries by integrating existing knowledge, data, and methods from these disciplines.
Funded by the National Science Foundation, the Graduate Pursuits present doctoral students in social, natural, and computational fields with unique opportunities as emerging scientists and scholars. Selected Graduate Pursuit teams will not only independently explore increasingly complex socio-environmental problems in innovative and synthetic ways, but will gain skills in team science and interdisciplinary collaboration, produce actionable outcomes, and build networks and communities of practice with individuals across a diversity of backgrounds, institutions, and geographic locations.
Applications are due May 26, 2017. More information on how to apply for this opportunity is available here.
SESYNC Requests Proposals for Graduate Student Socio-Environmental Research