The LSAMP program assists universities and colleges in diversifying the STEM workforce through their efforts at significantly increasing the numbers of students successfully completing high quality degree programs in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. Particular emphasis is placed on transforming STEM education through innovative recruitment and retention strategies and experiences in support of groups historically under-represented in STEM discipline: African-Americans, Alaskan Natives, American Indians, Hispanic Americans, Native Hawiians, and Native Pacific Islanders. The knowledge generation portfolio of LSAMP supported activities contributes to the body of literature on successful practices in student recruitment, retention, persistence, and attainment of STEM undergraduate and graduate degrees, especially for the previously mentioned populations underrepresented in STEM disciplines.
The Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP) program provides funding for:
- Alliances (New, Mid-Level, Senior-Level, B2B)
- Bridge to the Doctorate (BD) Activity
- Broadening Participation Research (BPR) in STEM Education
In 2012, the program will increase support to community colleges through the LSAMP Community College Bridge to Baccalaureate (B2B) Alliances.
LSAMP baccalareate degree recipients are eligible for continued support for up to two additional years of STEM post baccalaureate study through the Bridge to the Doctorate(BD) Activity. BD participants are expected to transition through graduate studies and into the professoriate and/or STEM workforce.
The Broadening Participation Research (BPR) in STEM Education track provides support for knowledge generation research projects that seek to create and study new theory-driven models and innovations related to the participation and success of diverse groups in STEM undergraduate education. BPR projects add new research-based strategies and models to broadening participation in STEM and increase the capacity of scholars to conduct this type of research.
For more information, please visit their website: