Graduate students in the Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences (MEES) Graduate Program benefit from the extraordinary resources of world-class research institutions dedicated to teaching. MEES faculty have an unparalleled reputation for balancing excellence in their fields with a dedication to their students, through both classroom instruction and independent study advising.
Doctoral and Master's education available in four Foundation emphasizing original and independent scholarship, while master's degree programs in Environment & Society, Earth & Ocean Sciences, Ecological Systems, Environmental Molecular Science & Technology prepare candidates for careers in public life and professional practice.
The MEES Program’s purpose is to inspire and educate its students to become autonomous thinkers, discerning moral agents and active citizens of a democratic society.
Through an emphasis on active learning, we engage students in the sciences, which fosters self-determination and demonstrates the transformative power of education.
We envision our students’ lives as based upon rational choice, a firm belief in human dignity and compassion unlimited by cultural, racial, sexual, religious or economic barriers, and directed toward an engagement with the central issues of our time.